The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

Gathering dissertation materials...any feedback on books, articles, data, etc....for Freshman Academies, 9th grade transitioning programs that anyone has to share will be greatly appreciated - Wendy !

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Comment by Scott Habeeb on December 14, 2012 at 4:29pm

Thanks for the recommendation, Leslie.  Yes - I am presenting at NASSP but they haven't told me exactly when.  Glad I'll get to see you there!

Comment by Leslie Esneault on December 14, 2012 at 4:00pm

Wendy, I would highly recommend Scott's book "The Ninth Grade Opportunity!!!"  It has become the basis/model for our 9th grade academies in my district. 

Scott, are you still presenting at NASSP?  If so, do you already know your session information?  I am registered and ready to go!!!!  :)

Comment by Scott Habeeb on December 13, 2012 at 8:50pm

Wendy - have you checked out my book The Ninth Grade Opportunity? There is a link to it on the main page of this site. 

Comment by Dr. Stephen Jones on December 12, 2012 at 7:09pm
The GEAR UP program may have some information about nth grade transitioning programs. This programs begins to provide academic support for students when they start 6th grade all they way through graduation. Also the Upward Bound program may have information on the 9th grade transition. The GEAR Up Program and Upward Bound can be found on the internet. I have also written two books that 9th grade students and parents use. They are the Seven Secrets of How to Study and the Parents ultimate Education Guide. Feel free to call me at 610-842-3843.
Comment by Leslie Esneault on December 12, 2012 at 4:28pm


One of our high schools was selected to participate in a Johns Hopkins research study (Robert Balfanz' research) on successful promotion of 9th graders to 10th grade. This research deals heavily in transition from middle to high school.  I would recommend the website   for background and general information regarding the stats about 9th grade "A"ttendance, "B"ehavior and "C"ourse credits (ABC's of graduation)- why those factors are significant early warning indicators for promotion and ultimately graduation.  I have quite a bit of material and data that I am happy to share with you.  My email is     Feel free to email me, and I can send things to you directly if you are interested.

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