The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

Lessons Based On Donald Miller's Storyline

Members of the FTN know that I strongly encourage teachers to use the story-centered ideas found in A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and Storyline by Donald Miller as a way to teach students to live lives of meaning and purpose.  My friend, Mike Petty, has recently written a blog post on his blog about ways to do this.  

Take a look at Mike's post.  If you have questions about using the concept of story in your classroom - such as how do I make these ideas work in my classroom when they don't seem to connect directly to my content - send me an email (, reply to this post, or shoot me a text (540-389-2610).

Here's the link to Mike's post about Miller's books :

Here's a link to Mike's post with an idea for applying those ideas to the classroom:

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