The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

Please tell the other members of the network a little about yourself. Nothing is too short and nothing is too long. Just let us know who we are so we can turn this network into a true community.

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Thanks for joining, Paul.  I'd love to help you out in anyway I can.  Hopefully you'll find some links on this site to info that will help.  I would recommend looking at the Hot Topics section on the front page.

This next suggestion is obviously self-serving - but I really think it could help you gain a broad perspective of what an FTP should seek to accomplish.  Along with 2 other educators, I have written a book on the topic of Freshman Transition called The Ninth Grade Opportunity: Transforming School from the Bottom Up.  There is a link to info about the book on the main page of this site.  Or you can click here:

Finally, I regularly work with schools who are trying to accomplish exactly the same goals as you.  This Spring/Summer I'll be working with schools on their Freshman Transition needs in New Jersey, Colorado, West Virginia, and Kentucky.  Perhaps there might be something I could do to help you as well.  If you're ever interested in talking, feel free to give me a call at 540-389-2610.

I am the Freshman Academy Facilitator/Coordinator at A. L. Brown High School in Kannapolis, NC.  This coming year will be my 10th year in education and my 2nd year in charge of the freshman academy here at Brown, but I have been with the academy since the beginning (about 6 years).  While in the academy, I taught Algebra I and I am looking for ways to make the academy that we have in place stronger and really just network with others.

Thanks, Jessica, for introducing yourself.  Sounds like you've had some great experiences with freshmen.  Please let me know if I can ever help you out in any way at all!

Hello everyone.  I am fortunate to have an amazing opportunity- a job that I am passionate about and one that I believe is making a difference in the lives of so many. I am a teacher in Coalinga, California (Central Valley).  I have taught a variety of subjects ranging from English and ELD to AVID, Psychology, and Education courses at the community college level. My education includes:

BA in Psychology
CA Single Subject Teaching Credential: English and Psychology
MA of Education in Cross Cultural Teaching
Currently, I am in the process of obtaining an MS in Educational Counseling, along with a PPS credential.

This year I have been given an opportunity to create and implement a transition course for incoming at-risk ninth-grade students, as well as teach a few sections of the program.  I am also researching the topic for my MS in Educational Counseling.  I am interested in learning as much as I can about different programs out there. 

Sheila - thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself. Best of luck to you in your efforts this year. If you want to learn more about the teaming model, check out You also might want to read the blogs under Hot Topics comparing Academies to Departmental approaches. Let me know if I can help.


My name is Walter Perry, I have taught freshman science and chemistry for 15 years.

I am starting my action research for my masters degree on peer mentoring as a freshman transition strategy.

I am looking for resources for programs and research on programs of freshman transition.

Thanks for joining, Walter.  Let me know if I can help you out at all as you research freshman transition strategies.

I am a math specialist and doctoral student in Charlottesville. I've been in public education 24 years and was a school principal for five years. I'm interested in some of the points made in Scott's keynote at VASCD, especially because I see challenges in school culture and barriers in student-teacher relationships as being elements that often prevent school improvement. Thanks for any and all ideas.

Thanks, Terri, for joining and introducing yourself to the group!
I am a Reading 9 teacher in Fremont, NE. I'm also a part of our CIP team and in a sub-committee focusing on freshmen transition.

Laura - thanks for introducing yourself to the group.  Please let me know if I can ever help out your sub-committee as it looks at freshman transition.  I have worked with schools across the country on the topic and believe that you'll be hard-pressed to find a more important area of focus within the typical high school.

Greetings!  I am the Freshman Counselor at Karns High School in Knoxville, Tennessee.  I absolutely love working with Freshman!  A few years ago we had a Freshman Academy---- but with a change in administration and a different focus, it fell to the wayside.  Now we are in the process of planning one for this upcoming school year.  We've visited 3 other schools that have a freshman transition program and it has been fascinating to see the similarities and differences.  This is my 10th year in School Counseling.....I've worked in 3 school districts but have been in my current district since 2008.  I've had positions with all levels of counseling:  elementary, middle and high school.  I think my favorite is high school!  I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions on this site and I'm looking forward to learning from all of you.  Thanks, Scott, for this great resource!


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