The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

Kelvin Hart
  • Male
  • Arlington TN
  • United States
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Kelvin Hart's Friends

  • Andrea Henderson
  • Dr. Stephen Jones
  • Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro
  • Shaundra Fields
  • Deanie Dunbar
  • Ray Moore
  • Scott Habeeb

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“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 2:07pm on June 20, 2011, Scott Habeeb said…
I like the quote!
At 3:39pm on May 23, 2009, Scott Habeeb said…
I won't be - Ray Moore is gong to be coming there. Will you be a part of his presentation? If you have any thoughts to share regarding what your faculty members might need to hear, I'd encourage you to contact Ray and share them with him.
At 6:43pm on May 11, 2009, Deanie Dunbar said…
We just met last week to plan our second annual Summer Blast. Among the events will be a student to student forum during which time freshmen will get to discuss their concerns with sophs, jrs, and seniors; a parent-administrator session; a session on organizing for success including organizing flashdrive files and using Cornell notes; a session on NC Graduation Project requirements; time to meet the teachers who will be working with freshmen; an info packet with required class materials for all courses; info on accessing the NCDPI web site to get info on standard course of study for each course; a series of video commercials from all clubs and organizations to explain their purposes and who to contact in order to join; a cookout for parents, students, and administrators on the last day; and team-building activities...and we have follow-up events in the fall and the Success Prep conferences in the spring...WOW...thanks Scott for turning up the flames on our freshmen awareness.
At 9:47pm on April 24, 2009, Scott Habeeb said…
Kelvin - thanks for asking the question to Deanie that you asked. That is exactly what this network was created to facilitate - educators connecting with other educators and sharing ideas. I hope that you will become a contributor. Feel free to start discussions and to blog with any ideas you have. Thanks again!
At 9:45pm on April 24, 2009, Scott Habeeb said…
Love the picture of the girls - awesome!
At 9:44pm on April 24, 2009, Scott Habeeb said…
Thanks for joining the Freshman Transition Network. The network is, and always will be, a "work in progress". Your input and ideas will play a big role in making this a useful and interactive site. Please let me know if you have ideas.

Be sure to read the "Read 1st" tab. I think that will give you a good idea of how to maximize this new network.

Check out the "Your School" tab. This gives people a chance to leave information about and a link to their school's Freshman Transition Program. I think this could help schools connect with one another.

Check out the "Groups" tab. I would recommend making a group for your school. Then you can invite other teachers/educators from your school to join the network and your group. Your group can then become a "community forum" for teachers from your school.

Consider "friending" the other members of the community. That will make sure that the community truly is a community. You do this by going to someone's page and clicking Add as Friend, which is beneath their profile picture.

Most importantly, though, your input, ideas, blogs, comments, and questions will benefit all the other members. Feel free to become a regular blogger or poster. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks again for joining!

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