The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

I'm Awesome, But I Have My Limitations!!! -- a Motivational, TV-Style Game Show Presentation & Workshop for 9th Grade Students

I'm Awesome, But I Have My Limitations is an effective, enjoyable, interactive TV-game show style assembly program or workshop which would be a great component of your introduction to high school for 9th graders.

I'm Awesome recognizes students for all that they have accomplished in completing primary, elementary and middle school.

But I Have My Limitations points out that students will have challenges in high school and suggests ways of coping with the challenges.

The abstract of the program follows at the end of this posting.

If you would be interested in a copy of the presentation just send me a message with your email address, the school in which you teach including address and telephone number and the subjects taught. Since I only distribute my presentations to teachers and other qualified professionals I will verify the information. As soon as I complete the verification, I'll send a copy to you (no charge). I offer telephone consulting (no charge) on how to do the specific activities in the presentation. I also prepare customized presentations for your school(s) and do the presentations for you (I will do my best to make my presentations affordable for you even if your budget is limited!!! To date, I have always been successful in doing this.)


All of us are have tremendous potential. We have more abilities than we realize. All of us also have some real limitations… more than we realize. This presentation is designed for you, Ninth Grade Students at Your School, to :
* Recognize you for your accomplishments
* Equip you with some tools to help you stay safe and achieve your potential
* Illustrate some limitations which you (as well as many people) have.

I hope that today’s presentation will serve as a source of encouragement to you as you proceed through high school and continue on the journey of lifelong learning and begin your career planning.

Thank you for coming and participating. I hope you will learn a great deal and have fun!!!

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