The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

I'm Awesome, But I Have My Limitations!!! -- a Motivational, TV-Style Game Show Presentation & Workshop for 9th Grade Students

I recently developed a program for ninth grade students. I'm Awesome, But I Have My Limitations, which is a really nice highly interactive TV-game show style assembly program or workshop to acknowledge significant milestones for 9th graders.

I'm Awesome recognizes students for all that they have accomplished thus far.

But I Have My Limitations points out that students will have challenges ahead (as all students do) and suggests ways of coping with the challenges.

I recently presented the program to the entire 9th grade class at a Career and Technical High School in Rhode Island. The program was very successful. The abstract of the program follows at the end of this posting.

If you would like to see photos of some of the activities which are included in this programs, just check out the photo album here on the Freshman Transition Network. Once you finish viewing the album press the "Go Back Arrow" key to return to this posting.

If you would be interested in a copy of the presentation just send me a message with your email address, the school in which you teach including address and telephone number and the subjects taught. Since I only distribute my presentations to teachers and other qualified professionals I will verify the information. As soon as I complete the verification, I'll send a copy to you (no charge). I could then consult with you on the telephone (no charge) on how to do the specific activities or I could prepare a customized presentation for your school(s) and do the presentations for you (I will do my best to make my presentations affordable for you even if your budget is limited!!! To date, I have always been successful in doing this.)


All of us are have tremendous potential. We have more abilities than we realize. All of us also have some real limitations… more than we realize. This presentation is designed for you, Ninth Grade Students at Your School, to :
* Recognize you for your accomplishments
* Equip you with some tools to help you stay safe and achieve your potential
* Illustrate some limitations which you (as well as many people) have.

I hope that today’s presentation will serve as a source of encouragement to you as you proceed through high school and continue on the journey of lifelong learning and you begin your career planning.

Thank you for coming and participating. I hope you will learn a great deal and have fun!!!

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Comment by Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro on June 16, 2010 at 7:20pm
Program Updates to be compatible with Microsoft Office 2010

On June 15, 2010 I modified the Games To Explain Human Factors and the I'm Awesome presentations to make them compatible with the version of PowerPoint included in Microsoft Office 2010. Additionally, the Games presentation was updated earlier this year.

If you would be interested in a copy of the 2010 presentations just send me a message with your email address, the school in which you teach including address and telephone number and the subjects taught. Since I only distribute my presentations to teachers and other qualified professionals I will verify the information. As soon as I complete the verification, I'll send a copy to you (no charge). I could then consult with you on the telephone (no charge) on how to do the specific activities or I could prepare a customized presentation for your school(s) and do the presentations for you (I will do my best to make my presentations affordable for you even if your budget is limited!!! To date, I have always been successful in doing this.)
Comment by Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro on March 27, 2010 at 6:05pm
On February 22 Debra Serafin stated I'm still having a hard time visualizing the program to a very large group. On Friday I presented an auditorium style presentation of Games To Explain Human Factors: Come, Participate, Learn & Have Fun!!! at the 30th Annual Great Plains Psychology Convention . The auditorium seating capacity was about 230 and we had attendees standing in the back. The program was extremely well received. While I do have previous history with running the program with large audiences, there is now 2010 confirmation that this style program can be extremely successful with large audiences. We ran the program as a combination of some activities involving audience involvement and some were run with "on stage" contestants. We did have an excellent AV crew which, of course, contributed to the program's success. Ron
Comment by DJSerafin on February 22, 2010 at 4:41pm
I am interested in a copy of the presentation. I'm still having a hard time visualizing the program to a very large group. We are looking for ideas for our freshman orientation program for this summer and our freshman outreaches this spring.
Debra Serafin
North Brunswick Township High School
Comment by Scott Cashdollar on February 22, 2010 at 1:53pm
I would like a copy of the presentation.
I am at David Douglas High School in Portland, Oregon
Comment by Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro on February 10, 2010 at 6:46pm
Hi Debra,

The program actually works very well in both the auditorium as well as the smaller workshop settings. When I have an auditorium setting I have some activities that everyone can do and for other activities people are selected to come up on stage... much like a TV-Game Show. (Indeed, I have done live TV broadcasting of my programs on the internet.) Of course, good acoustics are extremely helpful when working with a large group. A close up TV camera that can really zoom in on stage activities and project them on a screen is helpful but not essential. With a large class of 420 one could obviously opt for presenting TV-Style to the entire class or doing the session with smaller groups (such as working the program into the English curriculum). Either can work well. If possible it is helpful to allow the students who are most interested in trying things themselves an opportunity to do so at the close of the program (or later on in the school day). I do have a program of 400 coming up in March at a conference in Missouri.

Thank you for your interest.
Comment by DJSerafin on February 10, 2010 at 2:23pm
I would like more information. I am an administrator at North Brunswick Township HS in charge of the Class of 2013. I wondering how practical it would be for a class of 420.
Debra Serafin
Comment by Laura harlow on January 25, 2010 at 8:03pm
I would like a copy of the program. We are beginning our plans for next fall.

Laura Harlow
Teach Algebra 1 and 2
Member of Freshmen Transition team
4001 Stanford
Houston, TX 77006
Comment by Scott Habeeb on November 30, 2009 at 10:19pm
Here's a link to Ron's handout for this workshop:

Comment by Kristine Sibelius on November 29, 2009 at 11:39pm
I would be interested in a copy of this presentation. I teach Leadership Techniques, a course for 9th graders designed to help with the transition to high school.

Kristine Sibelius
Orange Park High School
2300 Kingsley Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073
Comment by arlyn sharpe on November 24, 2009 at 1:34pm
I would also appreciate a copy of the presentation.
I teach at two schools:
At Paly, I teach Focus on Success and World History
At SIL, I teach a variety of Social Studies and English courses
Arlyn Sharpe

Palo Alto High School School for Independent Learners
50 Embarcadero Road 900 North San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94301 Los Altos, CA 94022
650-320-3710 650-941-4350

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