The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

Please tell the other members of the network a little about yourself. Nothing is too short and nothing is too long. Just let us know who we are so we can turn this network into a true community.

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I've been in education for over 18 years working with diverse populations including incarcerated individuals, ES, MS, HS, College students and at-risk, minority populations, as a classroom teacher, afterschool programs, and in non-profit.  My expeience is in  developing after-school programs, mentoring, character education, developmental assests and college/career readiness.   Currently, I am a Post-Secondary Coach with Houston A+ Challenge and formerly the Director of P-16 College & Career Readiness with Houston ISD. 

At Houston A+, we are partnering with 8 community college and 11 ISDs on the Gulf Coast Partners Achieving  Student Success grqant with the intention on reducing the number of students having to enroll in developmental ed.and helping ISD create a college bound culture.  Its an issue that ISDs approach in the jr/sr year, but ofter times too late or we bandaid the real issue.  College readiness and rigorous coursework begins in 8th grade and the transition to HS have such a huge impact on students.

I am interested in hearing from others that have done work around Developmental Ed.


June Giddings

June - thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself to the other members - and Happy Birthday!

Let me know if I can ever help you guys out again in Houston.  I think that getting more teachers on board with the culture ideas I shared might help you reach your goals.

Have a great summer!

I am starting my 37th year of teaching and am more excited now than I was as a brand new teacher. I love 9th graders and have a passion for helping them transition safely into the high school setting. I was introduced to this site at a Common Core training and plan to share it with all the 9th grade teachers in our county.

Melinda - thanks for introducing yourself.  I'm glad you came across the site.  I had noticed several others from West Virginia joining and wondered what the common factor was.  Curious - who introduced you all to the site at the training?  

Thanks for sharing this site with others.  Feel free to post any ideas you have or to send me ideas for discussion topics.  Use this site as though it were your own.

If you ever need an PD related to Freshman Transition, let me know.  I've worked with a lot of WV schools over the years with a lot of success.

Thanks again for joining!

9th grade Math and English met this week for a train the trainer workshop on the WV Next Generation (Common Core) Standards for the 9th grade rollout in August. This site was mentioned by one the facilitators as a resource her school when they instituted their 9th grade academy.

Thanks for letting me know.  It's good to know that folks are benefiting from this network.

Thanks for joining Shunna.  I'm sure your decade of experience can benefit the other members.  Please feel free to comment and post as you feel led.  We'd love to know what good things you all are trying at McGavock.

If you ever need any professional development related to Freshman Transition, please feel free to contact me for ideas!

Hi, I am Sharon Gordon and I teach a freshman transition math class in Chesapeake.  I am excited about learning new ways to help the freshman be successful, especially  in their freshman year, and the rest of their high school years.  This will be my second year teaching the students and hopefully what I experienced last year and what I will garner from this session will help me serve the students.

Just got to my hotel here in Chesapeake a few minutes ago - looking forward to working with you and your colleagues tomorrow!

Hello. Wake up Freshman Transition members from Chesapeake! So I'm a little late getting this introduction complete but I will be teaching our Freshmen Transition students Biology. I've taught freshmen before but only in a classroom full of mostly sophomores.
I look forward to meeting you soon. Thanks for introducing yourself!

My name is Jeannie Nienberg. I have been teaching for 16 years, 9 in Chesapeake. For my entire tenure with Chesapeake I have been with freshman. I am looking forward to learning anything new to help me get the kids what they need. 


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