The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

I was curious if others would share their Mission Statement or Goal for their FLC. I am hoping to help make some changes at my school's Freshman Academy and would love to start with the mission. I need some help however. So anyone who has a mission statement or example that they could share would be greatly appreciated.


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Chase - our school doesn't have an official goal statement for freshman transition, but I'd be happy to brainstorm & help you revel one.

I googled what different places are using for their mission statement and kind of combined a few different ones.  This is what we developed for our academy:

The mission of the Freshman Academy is to foster excellence by creating an environment that has high expectations and supports all students’ efforts to graduate in 2017.

I like that - it's simple but says a lot.  Thanks for sharing.


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