The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

I'm looking for activities to build pride in both students and teachers. Any suggestions?

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Sometimes you can build pride in a school and community in little ways. Ray Moore (who is on the network) does a good job of sharing stories with his students about former students that have sat right in the very seats. When he tells them about neat things they have done - both in and out of school - it makes them understand that they are part of a history of success and hard work. What's more - kids just like them, from the same streets they live on have done really great things with their lives.
Interesting. I'm new at this school so I don't know many stories about kids here. However, I know lots of stories that will work just as well.
Student organizations always worked for me. Student Council or Student Government are great organizations to build pride in the students, school, and community. There is always an advisor who needs assistance. When I was a teacher I actually started our student council.
Plaque and certificates:
Have a nice plaque made with each student and faculty member's name and possibly a small photo on it. Place this as the most prominent item on display at the main entrance to the school. Give everyone a nicely framed certificate with school logo, mascot, etc and their name signed by the principal acknowledging their placement on the plaque to place on the wall right above their desk or display case at home.
Listen to everyone:
Set up a system such as an electronic or physical suggestion box for everyone to contribute to. Categories might be: What I want to lead, What I want to be a part of, What the school does well, What I would like the school to do better, Respond to all suggestions with a personalized response.
Pride award:
Set up a system by which any member of the school community can nominate another member for a PRIDE AWARD. Perhaps, every valid nominee gets a PRIDE pin (and the nominator gets one too.) The best nominations get a special award (a plaque or trophy, name in the school lobby,etc?) Maybe the PRIDE pin even has value such as a free cookie daily every time one goes through the cafeteria line.
Pride projects:
Work with your students to develop creative, meaningful Pride projects that will truly improve the school community. Involve students in upfront leadership of projects while personally "leading from behind." Get some press coverage of these projects.
Hi Sara,
What did you do to build pride???


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