The Freshman Transition Network

Working together to transition freshmen & transform schools from the bottom up!

Dr. Stephen Jones
  • Male
  • Springfield, Pa
  • United States
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Dr. Stephen Jones's Friends

  • Pamme Boutselis
  • Chris Gray
  • Diva JC
  • Andrea Henderson
  • Mike Garr
  • Taylor Johnson
  • Marsha'l Westfall-Haessig
  • debbie nicholas
  • Chris Williams
  • Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro
  • Shaundra Fields
  • Louis Mark de Paulo Jr.
  • H. Alan Seibert
  • The Teaching Page
  • Kelvin Hart

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What is your connection to education/teaching?
I work with several groups of 9th grade students in the school district of Philadelphia and beyond. My focus is on strengthening 9th grade students study skills. I am the Associate Dean in the College of Engineering at Villanova University and I do a significant amount of outreach in programs like GEAR Up, Upward Bound, Talent Search etc. My website is
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Villanov University
College Administrator/education consultant
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Dr. Stephen Jones's Blog

The Ultimate Precollege Student Teleconference

Posted on March 10, 2011 at 7:13pm 0 Comments

Do you want to prepare for college and increase your chances of earning A+ grades when you start college? Abolish all of your fears by learning how to make the right preparation for college.  Don't get left behind while others are discovering the best way to adjust to a college roomate, manage their time and learn how to study.  This webinar will provide some of the best ways to understand and prepare for every college class.  We will have three conference calls.  To…


Facebook Fanpage is just for you

Posted on February 14, 2011 at 8:49pm 0 Comments

For months I had been hearing about Facebook Fan pages. Then I read an article that explaining how you n use it as a tool to educate people who can benefit from my business. It made so much sense. I decided to make my fan page a place where students of all ages and parent can get education information. They can also submit questions. My goal is to help a million students and parents. You'll get a lot of education and college tips and find money for college. Get your fan page started and tell me… Continue

10 Ways to Ignite Excitement about School

Posted on September 17, 2010 at 4:08pm 1 Comment

Did you know that a parent’s excitement about school plays a great role in a child’s enthusiasm on the first day of school? A parent can ignite the fire and passion for learning just by saying the right words. One way to encourage a child is to brainstorm a list of 25 positive words that you can use to encourage your child. Place it in a very visible location in your home. It is important to keep this year moving in a positive direction. Use words of encouragement whenever you can. View any… Continue

How to Save Money on Textbooks

Posted on September 7, 2010 at 2:30pm 0 Comments

The rising cost of books is one expense that stands out in all college budgets. Technical science and math books are among the highest costing text books and English textbooks are not far behind. For years students and parents have complained as their book budgets are stressed. The science books can start at $150 and higher and other books are costing more than $100. Across the country students at four and two year colleges are feeling the pressure of paying for the cost of living on campus and… Continue

Back to School How to Get an A+

Posted on September 4, 2010 at 10:30am 0 Comments

Do you want to earn excellent grades in every one of your courses? Join this conversation to get study skills tips that will help you to earn A+ grades. This is for students of all ages. Call 323-417-0075 code 878084. Get your questions answered right after Dr. Jones presents helpful tips. Please confirm your participation at

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At 10:47am on February 13, 2010, Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro said…
Hi Stephen,
I will be presenting Games To Explain Human Human Factors at Pennsylvania State University on Monday the 22nd. If you will be in the vicinity I'd be pleased to invite you to come. Just let me know. Also, if you would like me to do a presentation of I'm Awesome, But I Have My Limitations at one of your high Schools or Games at your college as part of this trip or in the future please let me know. Ron
At 3:41pm on August 1, 2009, Diva JC said…
Thank you for inviting me to this network. In the past 12 years, I've taught 7,000+ students about Women in Jazz. Also, I found my 8th grade music students loved reading my book - IN PURSUIT OF A MELODY - even though the principal insisted that they couldn't read beyond a 3rd grade level!
At 9:20am on July 31, 2009, Scott Habeeb said…
Thanks for joining the Freshman Transition Network. The network is, and always will be, a "work in progress". Your input and ideas will play a big role in making this a useful and interactive site. Please let me know if you have ideas.

Be sure to read the "Read 1st" tab. I think that will give you a good idea of how to maximize this new network.

Also, please go to the forum page and click on the Introductions forum. Take a moment to introduce yourself to the rest of the users

Check out the "Your School" tab. This gives people a chance to leave information about and a link to their school's Freshman Transition Program. This can help schools connect with one another.

Check out the "Groups" tab. I would recommend making a group for your school. Then you can invite other teachers/educators from your school to join the network and your group. Your group can then become a "community forum" for teachers from your school.

Consider "friending" the other members of the community. That will make sure that the community truly is a community. You do this by going to someone's page and clicking Add as Friend, which is beneath their profile picture. By friending others you will then be able to send out messages, ask questions, and share thoughts more easily with those individuals.

Most importantly, though, your input, ideas, blogs, comments, and questions will benefit all the other members. Feel free to become a regular blogger or poster. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks again for joining!

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